In our wellness and spa hotel in Italy, we offer our guests a great range of beauty and wellness treatments.
At our wellness and spa hotel in Italy, Hotel St. Veit, you can choose from a great range of treatments: the ultimate highlight at our wellness and spa hotel in Italy are our wine-based beauty products and treatments. Even though the surroundings of our wellness and spa hotel in Italy are no wine growing region, we wish to offer our guests the possibility to test the healingpower of wine and grapes on their skin. Grapes and grape seeds have a deeply relaxing effect and make for a radiant, fresh look.
The wine-based beauty treatments offered at our wellness and spa hotel in Italy include a mash bath with a side of fresh grape juice, and a wine facial treatment, which stimulates the metabolism and increases the skin’s blood circulation. One of the top treatments at our wellness and spa hotel in Italy is the whole-body massage with grape seed oil. The massage improves the circulation and has a deeply relaxing effect on body and mind.